Travefy Academy has had an amazing 2019 hosting numberous webinars attended by thousands of travel professionals worldwide. Join us as we look back on a few of the most popular and raved about webinars from 2019.
1. All About Fees and Charging for Your Expertise
Our webinar featuring Sandy Saburn, Director of Sales at GTN, was a huge favorite amongst advisors. We explored everything around fees… why you should charge fees, the different types of fees, how to charge, and more!
2. Top 3 Legal Mistakes That Travel Advisors Make
During this webinar, we sit down with Laurence Gore and talk about the top 3 legal mistakes advisors make and how to avoid them. We cover topics surrounding legal liabilities with your business, practicing how to secure client information, having the right legal documents and forms, and more.
3. Building Successful Travel Business
Tammy O’Hara, owner of Million Miles Travel Agency shares her own expertise and learning experiences with us during this webinar. Throughout the webinar she shares advice, tips, and her favorite tools and software for saving time and building a successful business.
4. Selling Europe
We hosted a week-long webinar series showcasing some of the best destinations that Europe offers with experts in each area. Throughout the series, we covered Scandinavia, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany.
During each webinar, our experts taught us how you can sell each destination to current and new clients.
5. Special Needs
We were so fortunate to talk with Karen Leonard from Special Needs Group on how you can support and sell travel to accommodate disabilities and special needs. Karen shares expertise on this demographic, information on the logistics and equipment needs and so much more.